Mental Health Support

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Mental health support for adults

We care for those who are facing the hardest challenges and need the greatest level of support. We are not just here to help someone feel protected and safe, we are here to help them get better and to move forward. Our primary aim is to help our service users improve to a point where they no longer need to stay with us, allowing them to return home.

We have all got mental health, as well as physical health. Sometimes, just like when we get ill within our bodies, our mental health can suffer, too. We can feel anxious, depressed, or distressed emotionally. We can support you to improve your mental health and wellbeing. All of our support is provided through groups. You can take part in our group sessions to learn new techniques, strategies, and skills to cope, and put a plan in place for how we can move forward together.

How to arrange Mental Health Support?

We try to make the process of arranging your support as easy and straightforward as possible. Our service is personal so please call us. We do love to speak to you and discuss your support needs.

Speak To Our Team

Call our team on 07534949302 to talk through your options and discuss any questions you may have.

Free Initial Assessment

The care manager will visit you to discuss your needs and wishes, before creating your tailored care plan with you.

Match Your Support

We will match the most suitable carer to you, ensure they are introduced, and our local team will support you whenever you need support.